Our prayer team will pray over each prayer request for 30 days. We invite you to share your prayer requests here. It would be a privilege for us to stand with you as you believe God for answers to the petitions of your heart.
Has God answered prayer? We also invite you to submit a praise report that tells what God has done for you, to the glory of God and for the encouragement of the body of Christ!
Prayer Times at TLC
Tuesday Nights Intergenerational Prayer Service at 7:00pm: Join us in person in the Worship Centre. Time of music, prayer, scripture and missionary updates.
Saturday Morning (Men’s Prayer Time): Join the men at 7:30am on Saturday Morning for a short devotional and them spend time in small groups in a time of prayer.
Please feel free to call the church office at 506-848-6370 or email: Church Office if you have an immediate need for prayer.