Making church feel like a small, close-knit community starts here.
At True Life we have crafted Life Groups to help us meet people who share our same season of life and live in our community. Whether we are young, old, single, married, widowed, single, have a young family, are a new or a mature Christian, we have a place to both connect and grow with each other. For details on any of these ministries please emailPastor David Appleby
Where Discipleship happens
We believe the Bible calls all believers to be in relationship with one another. At True Life, the best way to achieve this type of community life is through Life Groups. Life Groups are marked by discipleship through loving God and studying His Word together, loving others supporting each other in prayer, and by creating an environment that pursues Christ though authentic community.
How long does each group meeting last? Each group decides on the length of their meeting. Most groups meet for 1.5 to 2 hours.
Be sure to check with your Life Group leader for meeting times and locations Feel free to call the Church office 506-848-6370 for any information on Life Groups and how you can get connected.
Life Group Times
Life Groups run from September to June either at True Life or in individual homes.
Pastor David Appleby Sunday Nights – 5:45pm – 6:45pm Email: Pastor Dave
Pastor Josh Cameron Every Other Friday Night: Family Life Group Starting in October 4 Email: Pastor Josh
Bill Hooper Monday Nights at 6:30pm (TLC Foyer)
Greg Boyd Monday Nights 7:00pm (at the home of the Boyd’s) Starts Monday, October 7
Chris Ryan and Joe Smith Monday Nights 7:00pm Meets at the home of the Smith’s and the Ryan’s Study: “Jesus the King: Understanding the Life and Death of The Son of God” by Tim Keller. Email: Joe Smith
Christie Van Steeg Ladies Group (max 12) Monday Evenings (Once a month) 7:00pm – 9:00pm Starts Monday, October 21 In this study, we will be using the inductive bible study methods of observation, interpretation, and application to work through the book of 1 Thessalonians, guided by the In & Out workbook from Precepts Ministries Canada. I am hopeful that this will be a fruitful time of bible study with my fellow women of God where we use the bible to study the bible and grow in our knowledge of Him. Note: there will be homework for this study in between group meetings.