
Sunday Mornings: Full Children’s Program: Ages 3 and 4; K to Grade 5; Infant and Toddler Nurseries at 10:00am

Our little ones are some of our favorite people here at the church!  We love taking care of them during our Sunday morning services.  We have two nurseries available.

Sunday Morning at 10:00am
Baby Nursery (0 – 12 months) 

Toddler Nursery (12 months to 2 years) 

Preschool (Ages 3-4)
Our preschool kids are taught at their level by caring teachers. Our kids are introduced to who Jesus is and are taught through music, activities, crafts and a Bible lesson.

Elementary (K-5)
School aged kids are so amazing as they begin really understanding on their own and processing things for their own. We design our morning to teach about the characteristics of God and how they are designed in His image. 

Family Room – We also have a family room adjacent to the main auditorium for parents who like to keep their little ones close to them. You can experience the whole service from the family room. We also have a nursing room off the family room for moms who need to feed their little one.

KidsLife | Sunday Mornings at 10:00 am.

Preschool and Nursery age children check in at one of our check in stations and go directly to their classes.
K to Grade 5 check in and join their parents for the first part of the service. The children will be dismissed prior to the message.


is available weekly on our Kids Ministry Facebook Page.

If you have any questions about our KidsLife programs, feel free to contact Pastor Josh through email at josh@truelifenb.com


Block 3

AWANA:  Sunday Night at 5:30pm. 
September to May

Opening Night and Registration – Sunday, September 15 at 5:30pm
to register online:   Register Awana 2024-25  

AWANA is a program we use to help sink Scripture into the hearts and minds of our kids. We believe one of the most important gifts we can give this next generation is a deep and lasting knowledge of God’s Word. AWANA is designed to help parents cultivate that in the lives of their kids through an exciting and engaging program each week.

Cubbies (Ages 3-4): (5:30pm to 7:00pm)
Displays the greatness of God’s character to preschoolers who are constantly asking questions.

Sparks (K to Grade 2): (5:30pm to 7:15pm)
Sparks ignites the curiosity of kids to learn about the people and events of the Bible, building a foundation of wisdom for knowing Christ.

Truth & Training (Grades 3 to 6):  (5:30pm to 7:15pm)
T&T ushers tweens on a journey to know God and His Word, love and need their Saviour, and live out their faith in the ever-changing world around them.