
Welcome Home to True Life Church. We are so thankful you have chosen to join us

As a church family, we are excited to get to know you and to stay connected to one another. We are here to encourage you and to pray with you. Whether you are  wanting to learn more about Jesus or you are a long-time member of True Life Church, we invite you to get connected through many opportunities, both in person and online.

Weekend Gathering

Weekend Gathering

We are also now on Spotify and itunes. You can follow us there at True Life Church NB Here is a direct link to spotify where you can also find us.

Service time September to June : Sunday at 9:00am and 11:00am 

Summer months we have one Service at 10:00am

Weekend Gathering

Staying up to date with Ministry at TLC

Get Connected: Social Media Platforms


Get Connected: Weekly Podcasts

Podscasts Now available from (True Life Church NB)
Spotify, itunes, Google Podcasts

Get Connected: ENEWS 
Sign up for our weekly and Special Event Newsletter from our home page.
We have a lot going on at True Life  throughout the week and weekends, and we want you to know the latest! To keep informed of events and news updates, sign up for our eNews. 

Get Connected: Church Office

Email: info@truelifenb.com

Do you have a prayer request or praise item to share: truelifenb.com/prayer

Do you want information on tithes and offerings: truelifenb.com/give

Are you new to True Life church

Are you new to True Life church

Is this your first time joining us online, we’d love to connect with you and get to know you.
Please take a minute and fill out the New Here Card.

Just head over to   I’m New Here