

Serving outside the walls – locally and around the world


What is Wayumi?

Your adventure in cross-cultural missions…in Pennsylvania

One cultural aspect of the Yanomamo people is something called Wayumi (pronounced why/you/me). It involves leaving their woods or home, to go to another place for a period of time and for a specific purpose. In their language, it would be similar to us saying we are going on holiday, vacation, a business trip, etc. When you come to Wayumi, not only are you coming to a place, but you’re also going on…

The World is changing

But the need for the Gospel is greater then before!

If you are in Grades 9-12, we invite you to join us and be challenged with God’s call to World Missions at Wayumi Expedition in Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania this June.

What is Expedition all About?

This is a chance for your students to …

  • experience missions in a new, cool way
  • enjoy fellowship and fun with each other
  • “rough it” in Jungle Camp
  • visit our tribal village

Find out more about Wayumi

Dates of the Trip and Costs

Dates of the Trip and Costs

Date: June 15 to 22

Please pray for our youth and leaders as they journey and participate in the Wayumi Missions expedition

What a typical Day looks like: A typical day at Wayumi Expedition begins with devotions and sessions on tribal missions. The students will learn about language, culture, Bible translation and evangelism from veteran missionaries. Afternoons are dedicated to games and competitions which mesh with the things they learned in the morning. Of course, there’s tons of time for swimming, games and other activities. Evenings are spent around the campfire singing and hearing the Word of God.


Watch the video to learn more

Wayumi Expedition, a summer camp and missions trip rolled into one.



Reaching locally in our community

The vision of TLC is to share the love of Christ in this community. We are seeking to engage the local community in ways that are both practical and relevant, to be good neighbours and friends. We want to make a difference in tangible ways wherever we are – sharing God’s love in word and deed.


Reaching globally around the world

Our missionaries and global partners serve as an extension of the body of True Life Church, making an impact in our country and around the world. The role of TLC in this great worldwide ministry is to help in effectively equipping missionaries for life and ministry, and then to send them out with sufficient resources and encouragement for their task. 

 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

The missions strategy of TLC is based upon the scriptural conviction that God’s plan for reaching the world is through the local church. It is the local church that is the primary means of sending people to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to every person throughout the entire world. We believe that the local church is the sending agent and that mission boards, or committees, are the facilitating agents to reach the world. 

We believe that the Biblical mandate given to the local church by Christ is to evangelize the world. Following after the admonition given by Christ in Matthew 28:19-20, we are to go into all of the earth, starting with our Jerusalem (Quispamsis), Judea (New Brunswick), Samaria (North America), and the uttermost parts of the earth (the world) and teach all nations about Christ’s substitutionary death for them, through every Biblical means possible. After they receive Christ, we are to baptize them and teach them to be obedient to Christ in living according to Biblical (not cultural) principles in the establishment of local, national, indigenous, and autonomous (self-governing, self-propagating, self-financing) churches. We are then to encourage and help to develop local pastors to build up these churches in the Lord with the purpose that they would, in turn, reproduce other bodies of believers.

This is done through the process of sending forth authorized personnel (missionaries) beyond the walls of TLC to the world around us (with an emphasis, but not exclusively, on crossing geographical, cultural, and linguistic barriers), to areas of the world where Christ is largely, if not entirely, unknown.

The role of TLC in this process is to pray for, identify, confirm, and send out those whom God is calling, help in effectively equipping them for life and ministry, and then send them out with sufficient, personal, loving, and accountable relationships with our missionaries and with their ministries.